General Questions
Q: What does an estimate cost?
A: Estimates are free. A site visit will be scheduled with an experienced estimator. After the onsite visit of the area is complete, we will provide a written estimate in 1-3 business days.
Q: Why is a site visit required to receive an estimate?
A: There are many factors that are involved in the removal of any regulated and or potentially hazardous material. A site visit will assist the estimator in determining the location, height, material, surfaces and systems that may be impacted during the removal process. The estimator will talk with the client/homeowner to determine how and when to access to the area, as well as the utilities that must be supplied by the client or turned off.
Q: How do I schedule an appointment?
A: Please call our office at (301) 210-9500. The office is open from Monday through Friday, from 9:30am to 4:00pm.
Q: Can a client or homeowner remove the materials themselves?
A: In some cases, depending on the type of material, hazardous substances or microbial growth, a homeowner may complete the removal. Please review the federal and state (local) regulations applicable for your area. You may also contact the various agencies. Federal and state regulations identify stringent license requirements and often identify the exact procedures that must be used to complete the remediation and how to protect workers. Considering the extensive requirements and the potential risk of contamination, it is prudent to contact a licensed professional. Commercial business are required to obtain all the required licenses to conduct their own work, establish worker protections programs and adhere to ALL notification and procedures required.
Q: Will you move my furniture?
A: No, TEG Services is unable to move furniture or personal objects due to insurance reasons.
Q: Do you replace drywall or just remove it?
A: TEG Services does not perform "put back" work, however we work with several contractors who do and can provide some references if requested.
Q: Do the occupants need to leave the property?
A: Yes, best practices recommend the occupants leave the property, but this will be reviewed on a case by case bases relative to the contamination/exposure issue.
Q: What about my pets?
A: Pets can stay in another area of the home provided they are in a locked area and able to be left without an HVAC system on. The pets access to outside doors may be restricted during the removal process, which is another factor to consider when leaving pets home.
Mold Questions
Q: What licenses does your company maintain?
A: TEG Services has staff licensed DC mold remediators and inspectors, which is the only local agency that currently has license requirements. TEG Services also maintains IAQA Company Certification and individual certifications for individuals (CRMI) and (CMRS) through ACAC.
Q: How do you know if you have mold?
A: Everyone has mold! Mold is a part of nature, it's in the air you breathe, the soil you walk on and even the foods you eat. Visible mold growth is the result of excessive moisture. Most are familiar with the mold that grows in a bathroom shower. Excessive moisture from a roof leak or pipe leak that continues can result in mold growth. Mold can grow in many places that are not easily accessible. The potential mold problems may be identified by excessive moisture; such as wet floor, damp drywall, change in surface color or a distinctive odor. An investigation or sampling would help identify the problem. You can have either the air tested and/or have the material sampled and analyzed at a laboratory.
Q: How are mold samples collected?
A: The most frequently used methods involve collecting air or bulk samples. Air samples are generally collected using a cassette attached to a pump. The cassette containing the various particles (spores) are then submitted to the lab for analysis. Air samples may also be collected utilizing a swab and petri dish. Dust particles or suspect mold growth is collected from surfaces using a sterile cotton swab. The swab is then submitted for culturing and analysis by a registered laboratory. Sometimes a special contact strip is applied to a surface and then summited to the lab for direct analysis.
Q: If mold problem is identified, what are the next steps?
A: Commerical properties and homeowners will be advised that the source of the moisture must be corrected prior to remediation; if not, the mold will regrow. If the roof is leaking we advise clients to get it fixed first, then we can perform the remediation. The remediation area will be isolated, contained to control the mold spores and the removal process will commence. Impacted areas are contained using plastic sheeting to isolate from clean areas. The spores are controlled by using an air filtration device.
Asbestos Questions
Q: What licenses does your company maintain?
A: TEG Services is licensed for asbestos removal in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC.
Q: How do you know if a product or building material contains asbestos?
A: A sample of the material must be collected and submitted to a licensed laboratory.
Q: How does the Asbestos removal process work?
A: The type and quantity of the material will define the regulator control measure that must be established prior to and during the removal project. If the asbestos material removed is likely to become airborne, we would use containment measures involving poly sheeting and negative air pressure machines to keep the particles contained. If you have questions or concerns regarding the removal process for your specific project, the estimator would be able to explain the process in detail when they perform the estimate.
Q: What is an industrial hygienist?
A: They are third party contractors that are certified to perform on-site analysis for airborne asbestos. They may also perform inspections, collect samples and provide assessments of various environmental contaminations. They often perform final air clearances following asbestos removal for preoccupancy.
Q: Do I need an industrial hygienist?
A: Although it's not legally required for every type of asbestos project, it is company policy to have an industrial hygienist clear the area once the work is complete. TEG Services works with several 3rd party Industrial Hygiene Firms.
Lead Questions
Q: What licenses does your company maintain?
A: TEG Services is licensed for lead removal in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC.
Q: Lead removal projects involve residential, commercial and steel structures. What type of lead work does TEG Services perform?
A: TEG Services only provides lead services for commercial clients only; such as remediation of firing ranges, some steel structures and exterior work to building.
The Environmental Group, Inc.
dba TEG Services
11850 Trolley Lane
Beltsville, MD 20705-1179
Main Phone: 301-210-9500
Alternate Phone: 301-477-3288
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:30 am - 4:00 pm
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